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Compete as a couple to win $1000 for your wedding!
Apr 02, 2023, 11:00 AM
Huntington Beach, CA

Scavenger Hunt + Trivia Challenge + Physical Obstacles 

You and your partner must work together to earn as many points as possible through the various activities. Once time is up, the couple with the most points will

win $1000 for their wedding!

Registration is limited.

Prices increase closer to the event date, so register early.

What Can We Expect?

We don't want to give too much away - we want  it to be a fun and level playing field. We will slowly share more on what we have in store, as the date gets closer. All pertinent details will be emailed to registered couples, 72 hours before the event. If you want to be alerted as soon as new information is "leaked"- click here to subscribe to our mailing list. 

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